Why Do People Cover License Plates?

Why Do People Cover License Plates?

Have you ever seen a picture of the blurred license plate on the internet? Do you have any idea why people cover license plates? Well, two different reasons exist for blurring a number plate: number one is protecting your privacy, and number two is evading incriminating yourself.

In European countries, even Google Maps Street View has blurred the license plates. In fact, it is a policy of Google Street View to blur faces and license plates. Well, everyone tries to protect privacy; still, when you are on the internet, your privacy is at risk.

You might be worried about safety concerns that lead to different crimes. Privacy is the only answer to why do people cover license plates. A plate number can reveal a lot about you; that’s why you always have to be careful.

In the pictures, you can blur the number; however, you can’t when you are on the road.

Reasons Why Do People Cover License Plates

Chances are the owner may have to face a severe crisis if the license number goes off beam. Apart from that, there are multiple reasons why people cover their license plates. Let’s have a look:

·        Stolen Vehicle

Police records are full of missing vehicle complaints. Unfortunately, thieves are more prone to show their expertise on customized and high-end cars. If you have such a vehicle and unfortunately you have uploaded information about it on your social media accounts, you simply invited thieves to come and lift your car.

Besides, exposing your personal details is an open invitation to everyone to ruin your status easily. Not only this, a dealer might be waiting for your car even before it is being stolen. How convenient it would be for the burglars when you are providing personal data by yourself.

Even if your vehicle is insured, you must not take it lightly because this is not a joke. You have to be vigilant in protecting your vehicles. Thieves are smarter than you think, and you cannot argue about it.

·        Identity Robbery

One must not think of it as usual. It is quite a big issue because your identity gets stolen by using your license plate. If you publically display your personal details, you are at high risk of making a fuss of your life. The whole world is suffering from a huge cycle of criminals that no one can stop in a day.

·        Stalkers

No one wants stalkers in his life; do you want one? Well, if you torture someone in any way, you have to face the consequences. In most cases, stalkers are born when you have done something terribly wrong with someone. 

With the help of license plates, other person gets to know about your state, place or even direct address. So keep yourself safe and avoid unnecessary show-off.

·        Trial from Law Enforcement

Displaying your fun illegal activities on the internet with a clear view of your license plates is an open challenge to the police. These illegal activities could be drifting, speeding, racing, burnouts, etc. It can easily result in prosecution. It is basically solid proof against you, and ultimately it becomes an open and shut case.

·        Troubles with Insurance Company

You would have no idea how terrible it can be in the case of the insurance company that never supports you if you have made changes in the vehicle. Actually, insurance companies don’t like modifications in the vehicle, and if they find proof of illegal activities, you are simply roasted.

·        No More Anonymous Online

You might be one of those who don’t like sharing their identity publically. Well, if your social media accounts are not with your real name, but you have publically posted a photo or video of your vehicle clearly showing a license plate, then how could it be effective to protect your privacy?

A license plate is an open key that reveals a huge part of your identity to others. That’s why on the web, you must cover license plates. It is highly recommended for safety purposes.

So, Should You Cover the License Plates or Not?

Most people don’t take it seriously because it is not a good practice to protect your privacy. However, a vehicle is something that has to be on the roads, then what is the use of blurring license plates in the photos.

As a fact, your vehicle is a great source to find data about you. On the roads, your vehicle is moving, and the plate might not give a clear view. On the other hand, a photo is valid proof that anyone can see it again and again. That’s why blurring a photo can save you every time. Even Google never shows the plates in Street View.

Locking your house while leaving does not mean a thief cannot enter the house. It is not impossible for burglars to stay out of the house. Most probably, thieves and burglars will try to enter the house. The thing is, we make it difficult for the burglars to enter by putting different layers of locks. Similarly, we need to hide the license plates for not handing over every personal detail.

As a common courtesy, while sharing a photo of someone else’s, you should cover the license plates. It is guaranteed that you will never have to face trouble when covering the plate. All problems come with open plates, so better cover them.

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